Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gilded cage for the Sultan's window

Imperial Council Chambers...
Via Flickr:
"From the window with the golden grill, the Sultan or the Valide Sultan was able to follow deliberations of the council without being noticed. The window could be reached from the imperial quarters in the adjacent Tower of Justice (Adalet Kulesi). When the sultan rapped on the grill or drew the red curtain, the Council session was terminated, and the viziers were summoned one by one to the Audience Hall (Arz Odası) to present their reports to the sultan."
Topkapi Palace Wikipedia

Suggested readings from Amazon.com:
In The Topkapi Palace
Palace of Gold and Light: Treasures from the Topkapi, Istanbul
Topkapi Palace Inside and Out: A Guide to the Topkapi Palace Museum and Grounds


  1. This photo reminded me to ask you if you watch any Turkish TV series? There's a new one now about the reign of Sultan Suleyman; like a Tudors except Ottoman :)

  2. I do... but not the one you mentioned.. I am watching "EZIL" which a modern turkish take on "The Count Of Monte Cristo" I was also watching "Ask-I Memnu" I try watching it in Turkish to try to pick up some words that I can remember from seeing it in Arabic or watch it with subtitles.
    I would love to see this new one about the Sultan I like that whole era. Do you have the name of it?

  3. I have to say the Sultan series are pretty good, still in the beginning, though. I will write when I remember the name!

    International calls
